I think I've been there 6 times. This is the first time I didn't go there while everyone else was going. (The trip has skipped a few years in the past) My entire family is up there right now, excluding my Mom and my dog. I didn't go this year because I didn't want to miss out on anything at home. I don't really think I would have missed out. But I don't think I could have lasted up there, either. There are A LOT of people this year. And the fact that my cousins are "older" now, and there is always lots of drinking going on. Plus, I don't eat meat/fish or feel comfortable with fishing. I'm not really sure how I feel. But its tearing me apart because its one of my favorite places ever. I miss the smell, the sand, the water. Its just a nice laske in the middle of nowhere where I can forget about everything.
Cayce is the only one who probably can picture/imagine what I am saying, since she was actually there. and I'm glad i could share it with someone else before it (is potentially?) over. I don't know if I'm ever going to go back.
So basically, it's been the source of my dreams for a good part of my life, and I miss it. I've had good times and bad times. The house is empty. I feel empty.


i miss it too. good times up in canadia. this year i'll be close, minnesota. ay!!!
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