i got my new shoes today...and i got a new free water bottle...and a yo yo...and a 9 volt battery?
Saturday I hung out with Jeremy. We tried to watch LOST but the power went out. And it was out til 4 in the morning. It was windy and scary and rainy out and stuff. We went to marcos's, and then Ben's house for Brian's party. It was an interesting party, different than most. It was fun though. Afterwards Cayce, Lindsay, Mollie, Dennis and I went to Dennis's house. We ended up staying up pretty late talking...yeah...
anyways. Woke up at noon, went to Bucks and a lot of people were there. I hung out until I had to go home. Got home, went to work. It wasn't too bad. It's rather easy. I went home and I was really really tired.
Yesterday I hung out at bucks after school with Lindsay Dennis Kyle and Mollie. We watched Fat Bastard clips on dennis's laptop. Then me and lindsay went to visit dale at work. and he gave us yo yos and batteries. Went back to bucks, marcos and blunder were there. Then Lindsay Dennis Kyle Dale and Matt went to East Tokyo. I didn't have to pay for my soup. We visited Cayce at Basil and Dennis drove me home.
I got a lot done today in Graphics...I had to re-do some stuff because I totally suck. But I got it all done. and I finished tracing this.

At the end of gym some people were talking about politics...and I learned that most of my class is pretty liberal...yeah. I went home after school and I can't stop eating. But at least i'm uploading pictures.

john locke!

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