Spring break.
7 month anniversary with Jeremy on wednesday, went to the Melting pot. and watched There will be blood!
A lovely start to my break...going to Philly. Kingdom. I don't think i've eaten so much.
The mountain goats. Quite a depression show, but Lindsay and I were extremely close to the stage and that made it all the better. Hanging out with everyone was fun, and staying at the 707 with everyone was also fun.
Mugshots in the morning, rock band, conversations. The rest of friday was kind of depressing. Went to New Brunswick, hung out with Jeremy. Played some Guitar Hero.
Hung around in the morning, Dennis picked me up. Spent a long time finding parking, and had to sprint to the Court Tavern. Met up with some people in line, and then hung out inside. 2 opening bands, then World/Inferno. The ceiling tiles were falling out, and there was a lot of dust in the air. The crowd was crazy so i stood on the side for the most part. No encore...left right away. Dennis dropped me off at my Grandpa's house and I had dinner with my family. It was fun, actually. I was in a good mood. And i found out that my 11 year old cousin has a boyfriend named Dante Mustachio.
A cop just pulled up our driveway and we were like, what the hell - and it was just a cop asking if we had any horses roaming around. which we do not.
hooray for shitty cell phone photos.
our love grew like a vine around both our spines.
Sunday, March 23, 2008 | Posted by Jenni at 12:08 AM 1 comments
annie the imaginary lawyer.
well. it has been quite an interesting past few days.
a recap- the cash register broke at work on friday. and the credit card machine. and it was very stressful.
then, lindsay picked me up and hung around for a bit. we went to her house and cayce and scott came up later on. we had a nice time. slept there, woke up in the morning. drove around Oxford and found some weird path thing. I don't really know how to explain it. but it was fun exploring that.
then we went to the Hagedorn psychiatric hospital on Sanatorium Rd. yeah. part of it was still in use, and it was crazy how we blatantly snuck inside. it was a really cool place. apparently, my great aunt went there for some time because she tried to escape the nursing home. and it was a weird story and i think it's funny that i've visited her there before. but not in the abandoned part. that is decades abandoned.
went back to flemington, hung out with some people at bucks. went on the first bike ride of the year to mine brook, rita's, basil, and marcos's. watched Margot and the wedding and it was really good. hung out, went home.
sunday I hung out with Jeremy and we finished Lost season 3. Then we watched Into the Wild.
on monday I worked again and it was interesting as usual, and things happened that made my day.
today I hung out with Jeremy after school and I think i kind of fell asleep for awhile. We made pizza bagels and i think my mom doesn't like him. but we also watched Stand By Me. which is awesome, and i haven't seen it in years. but probably one of my favorite movies as a kid.
now i'm here, and i'm excited that spring break is soon.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008 | Posted by Jenni at 11:13 PM 1 comments
mother due.
I can't stop listening to World Inferno and I can't just sit here in class anymore. I need to get out. And I need break. and I need to go to the Inferno show. And I can't explain it.

Thursday, March 13, 2008 | Posted by Jenni at 10:12 AM 0 comments
stockbrokers killed your heroes
working reminds me of summer, and it is not summer.
so that sucks.
spring break seems to be shaping up pretty well, though. my schedule looks fit for a good time.
i have Into the Wild now and i'm excited to watch that. But I have to wait to watch ittt.
You are the epitome of bro, in every brossible way, and that's the Bro's honest truth, bro. I may have a bropensity for broverstatement, but this no mere hyperbrole: You are 100 brocent, absbrolutely the broest. Brotally.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008 | Posted by Jenni at 11:28 PM 0 comments
new things
i got my new shoes today...and i got a new free water bottle...and a yo yo...and a 9 volt battery?
Saturday I hung out with Jeremy. We tried to watch LOST but the power went out. And it was out til 4 in the morning. It was windy and scary and rainy out and stuff. We went to marcos's, and then Ben's house for Brian's party. It was an interesting party, different than most. It was fun though. Afterwards Cayce, Lindsay, Mollie, Dennis and I went to Dennis's house. We ended up staying up pretty late talking...yeah...
anyways. Woke up at noon, went to Bucks and a lot of people were there. I hung out until I had to go home. Got home, went to work. It wasn't too bad. It's rather easy. I went home and I was really really tired.
Yesterday I hung out at bucks after school with Lindsay Dennis Kyle and Mollie. We watched Fat Bastard clips on dennis's laptop. Then me and lindsay went to visit dale at work. and he gave us yo yos and batteries. Went back to bucks, marcos and blunder were there. Then Lindsay Dennis Kyle Dale and Matt went to East Tokyo. I didn't have to pay for my soup. We visited Cayce at Basil and Dennis drove me home.
I got a lot done today in Graphics...I had to re-do some stuff because I totally suck. But I got it all done. and I finished tracing this.

At the end of gym some people were talking about politics...and I learned that most of my class is pretty liberal...yeah. I went home after school and I can't stop eating. But at least i'm uploading pictures.

john locke!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008 | Posted by Jenni at 6:12 PM 0 comments
can somebody please remove these cutleries from my knees
So, last night was kind of weird. Just not a normal night.
I hung out with Cayce after school and started talking about the summer, and i really can not wait. We went to Michael's and Bucks to visit lindsay, saw Marc there, and then went to Shoprite. We got foooods to make for dinner.
At Cayce's I made Cayce and Lindsay some stir fry and we had a candlelit dinner listening to Yann Tierson. So that was out of the norm, but still really nice.
Dennis, Mollie and Corey came over...and then we got kicked out. Went to borders, and then went home.
I listened to all of the Flight of the Conchords songs in class yesterday, and I can not get it out of my head.
On thursday I went home at 10:30 again, and watched Good Bye, Lenin! With the same guy from The Edukators, which I watched the night before. But I liked the Edukators better.
My dream last night involved a guy that told me he was gay, and we become friends. Then he proceeded with trying to get with me. And tried to kiss me a lot. So I don't think he was really gay. And then there were events that were similar to the movie Hot Rod. Except without ramps; it was with moon bounces and dirtbikes.
Friday, March 7, 2008 | Posted by Jenni at 9:23 AM 1 comments
it can't rain all the time
watch that.
I just watched The Crow and watching it for the first time, I thought that Brandon Lee bears a resemblance to Heath Ledger. I guess it's the face makeup. But then I found out that they both died while in the process of making the movie. Well, Brandon died because of an accidental gunshot on set. And Heath died after they shot all of his scenes. But they still had to use a stunt double for some of Brandon's scenes. And I just find that so weird. And sad. And bah!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008 | Posted by Jenni at 4:46 PM 0 comments
There's no outside world. There's no escape. So, just go away, huh. Let me drink.
I just bought a pair of these. Because I need new shoes and they're recycled and Simple Shoes is an awesome company.
So in case any of you didn't know, HSPAs suck. Well, they're easy, but a waste of time.
I've been sleeping a lot lately...don't know why. But the weather is looking good. I don't care that it was rainy today, it was warm.
I can't really say that anything else exciting has happened. I get to leave school at 10:30 tomorrow. I leave when you all get there...blah.
LOST commentary:
Tuesday, March 4, 2008 | Posted by Jenni at 8:11 PM 1 comments
how i spent my leap year
Well. It was a weird day. I think I had one of those "full moon" effects, because I was totally crazy.
I don't even remember by now. We went to bucks. Then to Cayce's. and stayed there. I played around on GarageBand for about an hour. And I was on a techno beat kick. And me lindsay and cayce were weird. Cayce took sexy pics of lindsay. Then dennis came over. We got food at basil. and the dollar store. Later, marcos and marc and gabbie came over. What did we even do? I don't know. But it was weird.
I left around 9 with Gabbie and it was snowing. And I hate writing about this. And i wish it didn't happen. But the roads were bad, and we went into a ditch. We were fine, the car not really. It was just really strange for me and scary and at the time and I could only laugh.
So, drive safe...or at least wear your seatbelt.
On saturday I had to take the SATs and that wasn't too fun. It was also really weird because an Arthur commercial on TV had the song "Damnit" by blink 182 in it. And was like, are you serious? ("so this is growing up") After the SATs I went home and Jeremy came over. We watched Lost. Then dinner was really good because my sister can cook. Jeremy played me Boyz In the Hood on guitar and I still love that song. We watched Sunshine but i fell asleep because I got up at 6. Which sucked.
Today I did much of nothing and I am okay with that.
I finished Charlie Bartlett and it was pretty good. I tried to finish Amores Perros but I can't get into it, really. It's very long.
My sister made a bunch of croissants at school and her culinary career is making me very unhealthy.
I find it really sad that there's a "Junior Prom" group on facebook, for girls to post pictures of their dresses so no one gets the same one. Like that's the biggest worry in the world.
I'm saving myself a good lot of money and not attending my junior nor senior prom.
Sunday, March 2, 2008 | Posted by Jenni at 6:04 PM 2 comments