well. it's all over now. i can't complain about having time off from school.
i spent the weekend in and out of new brunswick, helping jeremy move in.
today i had to work, and it wasn't so bad. i'm getting better.
tomorrow i have [only] 3 art classes in a row, and then work.
art art art art.
okay, so i'm content.
i spent the rest of my evening watching Dexter with myself and then watching the momentous Weeds, Season 2 with Dennis and Chris. they ate a whole tub of mango ice.
the season is fucking crazy.
i don't know how i am going to sleep tonight, and the only thing i'm anxious about is driving to school.
(it's always transportation that makes me anxious. usually i'd be anxious about the bus.)
senior year. ha.
dear god, cherish senior year. i feel like i worked so much, but did absolutely nothing at the same time. i love my senior year memories.
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