"so you taught me a lesson to not teach lessons?"

This show right here. Things are looking up. It might be 30 degrees (and snowing in some parts of Jersey), but I think I'll be alright this winter. I may be flying solo, but I'm definitely not alone.
The past couple of weeks have been interesting. Had a girls night for the first time in a long long time. I detested to Bridget Jones, but we watched anyways. I am glad that there are more to come, very soon. Cayce's (And Lindsay's) new kitten is also reason for me to be there at any given time. He's adorable!
The second quarter of school has begun, and It's not horrible. I have had homework for the first time in ages, but It's nothing I can't handle. I wish my work hours hadn't been cut, because I can definitely tolerate that place and It's making my year a hell of a lot easier. A lot more people are asking me to do to projects for them, which is good and bad. Bad, because I am pretty terrible at staying on task and finishing things. Good, because this is incentive to actually do a good job and get credit for it.
I've also started taking pictures again, more than usual I suppose. Mainly of Dennis, but It's been good practice. For what? I don't know. But having dual interests in the design world pleases me.

Serious funsies going on in here.




Dave, Sam and Dennis stayed at my house on friday night. It was a fun time. I don't know how the hell I became such good friends with these Long Island kids. We pretty much broke the internet. I promised Sam that he could go quadding, but I broke it. It was raining! And sadly I still don't know where the Raritan train station is. The past 2 times I've gone I've just driven around until I see the train tracks. And that almost made them late for the train. Oops!

I guess I'll watch more Arrested Development, but in reality I should be getting a portfolio together in order to get into college. Eff!


Dennis Casey said...

i'm creepy. and yo! buildings.