-My Aunt.
I have no idea what the context was.
This past week has been amazing. Completely.
On Friday, I went to Philly with Dennis. Hung out at 707 for the first time in awhile. Then me, dale and Dennis went to see Mischief Brew. Picked up Ryan, and as dennis said in his blog, Ryan got into the car that was across the street instead (which had people in it)- and I don't think I've laughed that hard in a long time. At the show we met up with Sam, Alyssa and Chris Babylon. It was kind of strange crowd. I got knocked down at least 3 times and i still have a HUGE bruise on my knee. Afterwards, we hung outside in the cold and then me and dennis went home. I stopped at Cayce's because she was home for the break and hung out for a bit.
Saturday, I went to Cayce's and we watched Arrested Development for many hours, and at night a whole bunch of people came over my house. Frankly i wasn't expecting that many, but having everyone together calls for a good time. We watched the end of Free Willy, and all of Flicka (for some reason.) watched youtube videos and then everyone left before midnight.
Sunday, Cayce and Alex came over and we ate hummus sandwiches and watched Airborne. Me and Alex had been planning to watch it for a long while and I'm glad we finally did. Then we ate dinner and watched 28 Days Later. Such a good movie. Alex and Cayce were scared.
Monday after school I went to Cayce and Lindsay's and we made cookies as per usual. Watched White Oleander and then I went home. I started and finished my self portrait for college appp.
Tuesday was the busiest day of my life. my manager was out at work, so I was stuck doing an overload of projects. It was very stressful. But then I went to Cayce's after and caught the end of Heroes with her and blunder. Then Mollie, Gabbie and Lindsay showed up and we basically had a girls night. We video chatted with Dale Brian and Kyle and then I went home.
Wednesday was a half day, so I didn't do much in school. I finished making a sign at Polytech and I think i'm going to get a free christmas tree out of it. Is that too much to ask? Theyre expensive. I went home and then went to Jersey Gardens with my sister. I'm not one to shop much, but I really needed some winter things. I found a bunch of thermals and nice sweaters that will keep me warm for the winter. And the sales were really great, so I don't feel bad. I won't be shopping for a long time. Defnitely not on Black Friday. When I got home I went to Cayce's AGAIN and Lindsay, Alex, Kyle and Dale were there. We watched My Neighbor Totoro and it was quite the acid trip. After that we watched Wall-E but I fell asleep and alex kept poking me.
Today is Thanksgiving but I wasn't really in the mood for it. People came over to shoot shotguns at clay pigeons and I just kinda watched. Eh. Most people left after that to go to their other families and I hung out with whoever was here. My uncle is being very loud right now and I think many of these people have had much wine intake. We had dinner very early...so maybe I'll get to see some people tonight.
Oh yeah, I feel like I was a part of history today when I walked into the TV room and saw THIS snippet of the Thanksgiving Parade.
Jesus christ I got rick-rolled.
"it was like brokeback mountain, but in water"
Thursday, November 27, 2008 | Posted by Jenni at 5:47 PM 0 comments
"so you taught me a lesson to not teach lessons?"
This show right here. Things are looking up. It might be 30 degrees (and snowing in some parts of Jersey), but I think I'll be alright this winter. I may be flying solo, but I'm definitely not alone.
The past couple of weeks have been interesting. Had a girls night for the first time in a long long time. I detested to Bridget Jones, but we watched anyways. I am glad that there are more to come, very soon. Cayce's (And Lindsay's) new kitten is also reason for me to be there at any given time. He's adorable!
The second quarter of school has begun, and It's not horrible. I have had homework for the first time in ages, but It's nothing I can't handle. I wish my work hours hadn't been cut, because I can definitely tolerate that place and It's making my year a hell of a lot easier. A lot more people are asking me to do to projects for them, which is good and bad. Bad, because I am pretty terrible at staying on task and finishing things. Good, because this is incentive to actually do a good job and get credit for it.
I've also started taking pictures again, more than usual I suppose. Mainly of Dennis, but It's been good practice. For what? I don't know. But having dual interests in the design world pleases me.
Serious funsies going on in here.

I guess I'll watch more Arrested Development, but in reality I should be getting a portfolio together in order to get into college. Eff!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008 | Posted by Jenni at 6:30 PM 1 comments
The autumn came in like concrete at my face.
Location hasn't changed but I'm not living in the same place.
Its useless to respond respond to anything I've said I've said
I hate to quote this song all wrong but "Why Can't We Still Be Friends"
Aiming to upset me but you're baffling me with your actions.
I am wrong. You are wrong. We subdivide into two factions.
Its made me retarded, I wish I didn't let it.
Everything is upside down. I want those times I can't forget and
Everything is always falling apart.
Everything is always falling apart.
You know I'd amputate my flaws if it meant that I could be with you.
How can I be so self-important in the world today?
My dis-ease of choice will be arriving soon anyway.
We justify our selfishness in every pointless fight.
And I hate to quote this song all wrong but "It Doesn't Make It Right".
Fuck the world.
Everything is breaking and changing and
Everything inside of me is breaking and changing.
Why can't I ever let it go?
If I concentrate real hard I might not ever even know that
Everything is always falling apart.
Everything is always falling apart.
And I'd ignore my dreams in exchange for you being true.
It's going to rain tonight so everything is miserable.
Smoke some more and then I'll go back in and hate.
It's going to rain tonight but it's got to stop eventually.
Let's anticipate the sun and warmth and raise our fists and say:
"Everything is always falling apart, but I can't!"
"Everything is always falling apart, but I can't!"
Everything is always falling apart x1000
(Fell fast asleep. Woke up so easily.
Let's make our dreams transcend reality.
Let's not just seethe, give up, go back to sleep.
Wake up! Don't fall apart.)
Saturday, November 15, 2008 | Posted by Jenni at 7:10 PM 1 comments
It's some dirty dishes and you wanted more.
I've got this deer tick on my leg. Well, just the head of it.
I think it happened for a reason,
yes, I'm starting to believe lately that everything's happening for a reason.
This is much more than the multiple coincidences i kept having a few weeks ago.
Much more.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008 | Posted by Jenni at 11:21 PM 1 comments
I've known that Hallowmass has existed since 7th or 8th grade, thanks to Adam. but I didn't get in to World/Inferno til last year. Needless to say, I think it lived up to all my expectations.
Me, Dennis, Pam, Marc and Dave took the DOUBLE DECKER train to NYC from Metuchen. When we got to NY Penn Station, 90% of everyone was in costume. Some of them being very interesting costumes. I'm happy to say that I saw at least 1 Green man. But too many jokers, really. It took us a bit of time to get to Brooklyn, but we finally made it to the Masonic Temple somehow. Inferno went on at Midnight of course, opening with Witches. The rest of the show is a blur. Saw some great people, met some great people, experienced the great pumpkin, waltzed, danced, got covered in fake blood. All around a good show, good atmosphere.
Afterward, Dennis Pam and Dave left to go to the train station. The rest of us embarked on a 2 hours subway journey to a "party" in Brooklyn. The only people I really knew were Marc, Sam, Dave, and Christina. We put fake facial hair on posters in the train. and on people.
love these guys.
We got to the party, but it was kind of dead. Felt out of place for awhile, then a bunch of us went back on the subway for another hour or so. Totally just bro-chilled. Me and marc left for Penn Station while everyone else went to someone elses house. We waited an hour for the train and took it back to Metuchen. I got home around 10 AM. After being awake for 28 hours, I got 4 hours of sleep. Jeremy came over, and then Dennis Marc and Pam came over and we went to the movies to see Zack and Miri Make a Porno. It was definitely really good. Can't wait to see Kevin Smith on friday. After that we went to Time to Eat. I went home, and slept.
Sunday I didn't do much all day. I watched "Mr. Magorium Wonder Emporium" because it had Natalie Portman in it. Then dennis and pam came over and we played super smash brothers for about 2 hours. Watched the Simpsons Treehouse of Horrors, and it was really good. I havent seen many of them. They left, me and liz watched True Blood. Then I was up really late.
This morning was a pretty bad terrible horrible morning. I felt like I was going to puke, and I have a cold that has taken over me. School was long and uneventful. I came home and watched Running with Scissors. My parents are gone all this week, back to fitness camp. So it's kinda lonely here. Whatever. I took kona for a walk and layed outside for awhile. The weather was perfect.
Sunday, November 2, 2008 | Posted by Jenni at 9:37 AM 0 comments