"a mistake in speech in which the initial sounds or letters of two or more words are accidentally swapped around as in you have hissed the mystery lectures. "
Dictionaries, buy one.
I'm not going to get in to the details of the past say, month?
A blog is a burden.
October has proven itself decent, though.
- We got the pumpkin thing out of the way pretty quickly.
- I went to a wedding, and it was rather fun.
- I got my hair cut, and it was very much needed. Dennis says I look like Conan O'Brien sometimes. My mom says I look like a punk.

- I visited Temple University, for the open house. It was kind of lame because I didn't know where the hell anything was. But I still want to go there.
- My teacher gave me a Praise Referral for basically being knowledgable in Photoshop, and making a project that she thought was really great. So yea...I guess that's cool. I don't really know where praise referrals get me in life, though.
- I got the SATs out of the way, and I really hope that I did well on them. I also started applying to Temple but I haven't found the time to write the essay part, and i'm nervous that i won't get in.
- I started watching Star Wars...because I've never fully seen all of them. So GO ME.
- The Second Annual Pulaski Day was at my house this weekend, that was aaaaaaaalright. Jeremy's parents finally met my parents (I also think they may actually like me, now). And Jeremy got to know my family a little better, whilst intoxicated.
- I went to round valley yesterday, to try to find some fall colors. I didn't really find many though. The trees were still green where I was.
(I ripped my pants after taking this photo)
- I began and completed a photo project, "Dennis in Disguise," and it gave Dennis an excuse to row a boat. There have been 2 more instances where he wanted to row for the hell of it.

- I can't believe the first quarter is almost over, only a weekish left. How the hell did this happen? This means only 3/4 left!
- My mom just gave me an Argoflex Seventy Five camera that was at my uncles house. It would be pretty expensive to take pictures with, but it might be worth it.

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